I Find Your Lack of Love Disturbing

Looking into how “Star Wars” impacts our lives.



Bretton Theune, Writer

“I love Star Wars!” a phrase I continue to hear around campus at an alarming rate. While I sincerely hope this statement is true, I cannot help but notice the lack of sentiment in their voices. Unfortunately, it takes more than a shirt purchased at Target or an Instagram picture of the new Season of the Force attraction at Disneyland for someone to love one of the largest fictional universes ever created. The truth is, if you truly claim to love this franchise, “Star Wars” should single-handedly be ruining the end of your semester.

The Greater Good of Star Wars

Since the moment Fandango’s website crashed because of “Star Wars” ticket sales, it seems that my GPA has followed suit. Yet I will gladly accept a letter grade drop for the chance to see episode seven at the same place where everything began on May 25, 1977 at Mann’s Chinese Theatre. When I am not losing sleep over researching Luke Skywalker theories, or spending money I do not have on my premiere costume, my days are occupied playing the newly released “Star Wars” Battlefront video game. Yet, I know that I am only one of many students who are letting aspects of their lives be destroyed for the greater good of “Star Wars.”

So why are there individuals around campus who would let a fabricated film from the ‘70s take precedent over their higher education, relationships and mental health? It is almost unexplainable: call it a cosmic “force,” but it seems that “Star Wars” holds a special place in people’s hearts. A feeling that arises regardless if people have seen the “one with the red spiky guy” or can extensively list every Ewok from the 1984 made-for-TV film Caravan of Courage.

Join the Galactic Journey

I urge you to join in on the galactic journey, because within one week, you can have the opportunity to be part of the biggest moment in cinematic history. Regardless of your past with “Star Wars,” if there has ever been a time to jump into hyperspace with this company, it is now. No other franchise has been able to accomplish the feats  “Star Wars” has; it links generations together, offers entertainment in almost every form possible and allows the viewers to experience emotions in their purest forms. So whether you claim to love “Star Wars” or not, do not miss out on this chance, because one thing that will be talked about for generations is where you were when the Force awoke.

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