Dear Abbey

The Chimes introduces a new feature and asks for your questions.


Abbey Bennett answers submitted questions once a month in her “Dear Abbey” column. | Katie Juranek/THE CHIMES

Abbey Bennett, Writer

“Dear Abby” is a timeless advice column. The very first column was founded in 1956 by a woman named Pauline Phillips, who wrote with the pen name Abigail Van Buren. Today, many papers and websites have a “Dear Abby” section run by random writers who have either: one, no direct tie to the late Pauline Phillips or her daughter who now owns the rights to her pen name; or two, have no affiliation with the name Abigail, Abby or Abbey.

But, the Chimes is unique.

My name is Abbey. Abbey Taylor Bennett. I have wanted to have a “Dear Abbey” column for months. I am by no means an expert at anything really. I am 21, a senior and engaged to be married to my best friend, Josh, in August. However, I want to know what you have queries about. Relationships? Faith? Food? Biola?

To keep in step with the classic and original “Dear Abby,” please submit your questions, and your friends’ questions, anonymously through this Google form.

Spread the word. This is a first for the Chimes and for Biola and I think it’s going to be great.

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